Sunday 22 May 2011

The famous peg metaphor as applied to radio.

This week I have chosen a row of multicoloured musical choices set off against the grey, blue, pink and green background of my mellifluous speaking voice. It's interesting how, working without notes, I always manage to say something I: (a) can't finish without 'umming' or 'erring' or wondering why I'm saying this because I don't know what it means, (b) didn't mean, (c) has a worryingly downmarket double-entendre (I'm all about classiness ordinarily) - this week, 'imitating farmyard animals with his organ' (shades of Captain Beefheart) or (d) all of the above.
 Despite a great deal of practise I manage to cut of a beautiful song before the end and then attempt to cover technical difficulties by speaking when we've already established that anything more advanced than breaking wind and breathing are problematic for me! I crave your indulgence.

Monday 9 May 2011

Arigatou gozaimasu Skype-san

This Sunday's show features music choices of Dan & Mieko Dales the Japanese branch of the family.
Dan-san's verbals are recorded via the magic of skype whilst chatting with his otosan (that's me).
Usual mix of jazzy, singy, strummy, bangy.

Find the podcasty here:

SGS 8th May

Hope you like it.